Princess Academy Theme of Coming of Age

The girls in Princess Academy have been sent to learn how to become presentable young ladies, but in the process of being away from their families and learning more about the world, they also grow up. At the beginning, Miri is the sheltered younger daughter who isn't taken as seriously by her father, but as she grows up and learns more, she manages to teach the adults Commerce and convince them to ask for more from the traders.

Her relationship with Peder also changes. Whereas they were just best friends before, she starts to feel a little… well, funny around him. After all, what else can you expect from a couple of teenagers? But they find their footing by the end, just as Miri herself has really come into her own by the time the story closes.

Questions About Coming of Age

  1. How does Miri change from the beginning of the book to the end? How does she stay the same?
  2. Why do you think Peder starts acting awkward around Miri? What does he think of her being at the academy?
  3. Do the adults from Mount Eskel come to respect the girls more when they come back from the academy?
  4. Does Tutor Olana see a change in the girls as she teaches them?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Even though Miri isn't chosen to be the next princess, her time at the academy has still given her so much by way of knowledge, friendship, and the realization that she does not want to leave Mount Eskel or work in the quarry.

By going to the academy, Miri learns valuable lessons that she can take back to the village so that she finally feels like a contributing member of the community.