What’s Up With the Ending?

The end of Princess Academy ends right where it starts—on Miri's beloved Mount Eskel:

She leaned over the little rock fence to pick fallen linder chips from among the plants and tossed them up the slope of scree. Among the gray scraps of rubble rock, the white and silver linder gleamed like jewels. From the cracks in the rocks all around, the miri flowers were already blooming. (25.164)

Mount Eskel is described as a breathtakingly beautiful place, the kind of place you'd never want to leave. This is especially poignant because Miri spends the entire book wrestling with whether or not she wants to leave Mount Eskel and reinvent herself in some other part of the kingdom. By the end though, she realizes that Mount Eskel is her beloved home, and that she can still find herself and her place in the world while remaining there.