Princess Academy Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Normally she would shout hello, but over the past year a strange feeling had come inching into Miri, and now she was more likely to hide from him than flick pebbles at his backside. (1.48)

Awkward. Miri and Peder have reached puberty—which means that they're not likely to treat each other just like best friends anymore. And since they're both harboring crushes, they're also going to act weird and avoidant around each other. Kind of counterproductive, don't you think?

Quote #2

Once, words had been invisible to Miri, as unknown and uninteresting as the movements of a spider inside a rock wall. Now they appeared all around her… (5.1)

Miri was skeptical about going to school, but she finds that whole new worlds and stories are opening up to her. Maybe growing up isn't about learning that you know everything; maybe it's about finding that you have so much left to learn…

Quote #3

She longed to see some of the world they were learning about and find in it a place of her own, yet she was afraid to give up her mountain. No solution she could imagine would make everything just right. (8.4)

Growing up means having to make tough decisions sometimes. Miri wants to see more of the world and find her own place in it, but she doesn't want to leave behind her family and home. What's a girl to do?