Princess Academy Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Princess Academy.

Family Quotes

Miri exhaled. He was on their side, and he would not let the lowlanders take her away from home. (2.26)

Marriage Quotes

"This past summer, the priests of the creator god took council on the birthday of the prince. They read the omens and divined the home of his future bride. All the signs indicated Mount Eskel." (1.90)

Language and Communication Quotes

The sound made Miri's heart feel squeezed between two stones. It was a unifying song and one that she was not invited to join. (1.11)

The Home Quotes

Miri felt torn in half, like an old shirt made into rags. How could she bear to leave her family and walk into some lowlander unknown? (3.43)

Competition Quotes

Miri swallowed and tried to look modest, but it was too late. Katar was usually the best in the class, and surely she thought Miri's smile meant that she was gloating. (5.22)

Society and Class Quotes

"Lords and ladies of…" he stopped and laughed, sharing some private joke with himself. "People of Mount Eskel. As your territory has no delegate at court to report to you, His Majesty the king se...

Friendship Quotes

Miri spied the other girls stealing minutes of conversation at the woodpile or behind the academy. Perhaps they did not mean to exclude her, she thought, perhaps they were simply used to one anothe...

Man and the Natural World Quotes

Miri heard the lowlander traders complain, but she was accustomed to heaps of rock chippings underfoot, fine white dust in the air, and mallets beating out the sound of the mountain's heartbeat. (1...

Memory and the Past Quotes

Quarry-speech used memories to carry messages. (9.40)

Coming of Age Quotes

Normally she would shout hello, but over the past year a strange feeling had come inching into Miri, and now she was more likely to hide from him than flick pebbles at his backside. (1.48)