Princess Academy Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Quarry-speech used memories to carry messages. (9.40)

Miri finally figures out that quarry-speech isn't transmitted just through song, or through people working in the quarries—it's a means of communicating via shared memories. Now she just has to put her knowledge into action.

Quote #2

The sight of Olana shivered, and her memory of the game expanded, seeming immediate and clear. Half the girls stood right up, and the rest flinched or jumped or shook their heads as if trying to jiggle water out of their ears. (10.41)

Miri may think that she doesn't have a lot in common with the other girls now that they're grown up, but they still share a lot of the same childhood memories. Never underestimate the power of childhood games in bringing people together.

Quote #3

Miri clapped her hands together. "It must be true. I've been thinking that quarry-speech works in memories. If two people have the same memory, like Esa and me, then we might imagine the same scene. But if not, then the quarry-speech nudges the nearest memory." (10.68)

Quarry-speech seems pretty complicated and sophisticated. How does the linder even know which memories to choose? This completely refutes the saying dumb as a rock.