Savvy Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"I don't have any friends, Miss Rosemary," I said, hoping that the truth might end the conversation. (4.9)

A hard truth sometimes can stunt communication—even though it's trying its hardest to communicate. It's interesting in the beginning of the book that Mibs does not want to communicate very much, especially with people outside of the family. How else is she going to make friends?

Quote #2

The pastor, holding tight tot a large pink Bible, was bellowing at a man so thin, he'd have to stand up twice to cast a shadow. (7.1)

The more you know: the pastor is really just trying to bend the man to his will. Also, just because you're speaking at a higher volume, doesn't mean you're getting your thoughts across any better.

Quote #3

But all he could manage to say was "Well, sir…" or "No, sir…" or "If you'll just sign here, sir…" before the preacher cut him off again. (7.5)

Poor Lester is really bad at communicating: he hasn't learned that standing up for yourself doesn't make you a mean person and that speaking your side is actually a really healthy and fun thing to do. And if we aren't clear, it's really rude to cut someone off when they're speaking.