Savvy Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

At that moment, I knew exactly what I had to do—I just hadn't yet figured out how I was going to do it. (5.26)

Mibs gives a very good example of perseverance here, and shows that it's a state of mind, rather than a thing that you do. All persevering is, really, is a refusal to quit—even if you're not sure what to do.

Quote #2

I knew I was talking crazy… But I'd hitchhike if I had to. I'd walk. There was no other way around it… I had to leave and I had to do it right then and there. I had to find Poppa and I had to use my savvy to wake him up. (8.7)

Sometimes perseverance is at the cost of ourselves, whether that be physically or emotionally. It's a drive that can come with very real costs. Mibs herself says it's a crazy idea to go to Salina, but perseverance in the face of overwhelming odds makes us root for her until the end.

Quote #3

We were stowaways now, unless one of us got brave enough—or crazy enough—to climb down off that bus right in front of both the delivery-man and Miss Rosemary and ruin it for everyone. But nobody made a move to flee, and I was grateful for it. (8.45)

There are two ways to read this part of the story: Do the other kids stay on the bus because they don't want to embarrass themselves in front of everyone at the church and get in trouble with Miss Rosemary? Or is it because of Mibs and knowing about her need to get to the hospital?