Savvy Theme of Family

The family that savvies together, stays together—that's how the saying goes, right? A lot of characters in Savvy have something that's different about them, even if they don't have supernatural powers. Lill is a small woman in a big woman's body, Will Junior is not the Pastor's son, and poor Lester is having a horrible time with his tattoo mom. You may not be able to choose who you're related to in this book, but if you're smart, you'll choose to see what's great about your family, no matter how motley, untraditional, or supernatural they are.

Questions About Family

  1. Would you call Lester and Lill a family by the end of the book? Why?
  2. How do the Beaumont kids and the Meeks kids become a family?
  3. Would you rather be a member of the Beaumont family or the Meeks family? Why?
  4. Do Lester's mother and ex-girlfriend act like family to Lester?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Blood is thicker than water in this book, and everyone ultimately sticks with their kin.

In this book, family is defined as more than just the people you're related to by blood.