Savvy Theme of Tradition

Tradition holds up and is thrown out the door in Savvy. Tradition is essential for the Beaumonts, though not the standard holiday variety you might be thinking of. Instead all of the kids stop attending to school and start being homeschooled when they turn thirteen because their savvies show up then and they need ample time to learn to scumble them.

But even this tradition isn't airtight, and it is broken a little bit at the end when Fish manages to scumble so well that he can return to school after only two years (most kids never go back). Mibs even looks like she'll break the tradition by the end of the book, though she and Momma decide that she'll wait another year.

Questions About Tradition

  1. Would the Beaumonts call homeschooling a tradition?
  2. Is the abuse that Carla and Rhonda force onto Lester a tradition?
  3. Would you call it tradition that the Beaumonts get their savvy on their thirteenth birthday? Why?
  4. What are some traditions that the Meeks family participates in?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Tradition is the only thing keeping the Beaumonts from total chaos.

Breaking the rules and breaking tradition are what ultimately save Poppa's life.