Savvy Theme of Loyalty

Sticking with the people who have got your back comes up a lot in Savvy as adventure takes the gang all over Kansas and Nebraska. Although there's a bit of lying involved with the adults, the kids stick together so that Mibs, Fish, and Samson can all get to the hospital to see Poppa. And it is loyalty to Poppa in the first place, of course, that inspires Mibs to make her way nomatterwhat in his direction. In other words, without loyalty we wouldn't even have a book to read and chat about. Now wouldn't that be a bummer?

Questions About Loyalty

  1. Is Mibs as loyal to Fish as he is to her?
  2. Does the fact that Rocket leaves to go to Montana make him disloyal to the family?
  3. Do Lester and Lill break their loyalty with their employers?
  4. How does Bobbi show loyalty to the rest of the gang?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Loyalty grows like a weed, especially between people who have learned to trust one another.

Loyalty is the great equalizer: when the kids are loyal to one another, they come together and can accomplish any feat.