Schindler's List Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Schindler's List? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What does Oskar think of Goeth

Oskar finds his hatred of Jews distasteful, but he needs him.
He's a powerful and influential ally.
He's a crook who is simply stressed by the pressures of war.
He's the embodiment of evil.
Q. What is Stern doing, presumably without Oskar's knowledge?

He's embezzling from the company in an effort to raise enough funds to rescue Jews.
He's miscalibrating the machines at the factory.
He's having affairs with one of the women Oskar has hired.
He's issuing work papers to Jews who aren't considered skilled in order to rescue them.
Q. Why is Oskar put into prison?

For kissing a Jewish girl at his party.
For attempting to bribe a Nazi officer.
For lodging a complaint about the death of the one-armed Jewish worker.
For failing to produce any artillery shells that work.
Q. Why does Oskar say that Helen shouldn't be afraid of Goeth killing her?

Because God will save the Jews of Plaszow.
Because Goeth enjoys her too much.
Helen's not important enough to kill.
Because Goeth is secretly helping Oskar save Jews.
Q. Why doesn't Oskar's wife stay with him in Warsaw?

She doesn't approve of how Oskar's employing Jewish slaves.
She's too shaken up after watching the ghetto evacuation.
He won't make a promise to stay faithful to her.
She prefers her life back home, and is only visiting to convince Oskar to come back.