Secrets at Sea Chapter 10 Summary

Camilla's Train

  • The Cranston mice spend their time fighting about how to get to the princess's party, and the Upstairs Cranstons freak out when the invitation arrives.
  • When the night of the party comes along, Camilla is looking super pretty and poor Olive is sick as a dog.
  • Louise hides in Camilla's corsage, pinned to her shoulder, and Helena catches a ride on the train of Camilla's dress. The plan is that Beatrice will ride Mrs. Cranston and then hopefully all three mice will have a chance to go to the party.
  • At the royal bash, the Cranstons get to meet Princess Louise, and Mrs. Cranston commits a major social faux pas when she yammers on to the princess without stopping. It looks like the Upstairs Cranstons are about to be chucked out of this shindig before it even gets going.
  • When Camilla twitches the train of her dress, Helena goes flying across the room into the Marquess of Tilbury's jacket pocket. At least she has a good view of the party now.
  • Helena does some more people-watching. She checks out Camilla as she meets the handsome Lord Peter, and she takes a gander at Princess Louise—the first royal that Helena has ever seen. And all the while Lady Augusta, the princess's lady-in-waiting, is checking the guest list for the Cranstons. This is turning into one crazy party.
  • Just when it looks like Lady Augusta might expose the Upstairs Cranstons, Louise breaks Camilla's pearl necklace. On purpose. Now Lord Peter is on the ground searching for Camilla's pearls. Louise provided a smart little distraction, right?
  • But the Upstairs Cranstons aren't out of the woods yet. Lady Augusta is talking to Mrs. Cranston and is about to expose her when Beatrice pops up from Mrs. C's dress—and since Lady Augusta is super scared of mice, she faints. Three cheers for Beatrice.
  • Fortunately Mr. Cranston catches Lady Augusta—so though the Cranstons may be uninvited, now they're also pretty heroic.