Secrets at Sea Theme of Exploration

Gear up, Cranston mice, because you're about to go on the ride of your life. And this isn't just any adventure—in Secrets at Sea they take a trip across the enormous Atlantic Ocean. Yep, these mice have tons to explore:

  • All the nooks and crannies of the ship
  • Hundreds of new mice buddies
  • Oodles of humans from all different countries
  • And merry old England—if they can survive the trip without getting eaten by the ship cat, that is

Exploring is part of the fun of new adventures, but it definitely holds some danger for the Cranston mice, too. They're stuck on the ship until it reaches the other side though, so they've got to embrace the good and the bad as their horizons broaden.

Questions About Exploration

  1. Why do the mice choose to explore new adventures in England? What motivates them to seek out something new?
  2. Is exploration always a good thing? Are there negative consequences for the characters that go exploring?
  3. Which character is the most adventurous or the most curious? And which is the least adventurous?
  4. Who's more adventurous, the humans or the mice?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Exploration rocks. In Secrets at Sea, the mice learn that going on a new adventure is totally worth the risks.

Exploration stinks. Sure, there are a few upsides to adventure, but in Secrets at Sea the negatives outweigh the positives.