Secrets at Sea Chapter 12 Summary

Secrets the Dark Night Keeps

  • Helena heads back to her room, but accidentally ends up in Olive's room. And is Olive sick in bed? Nope, she's smooching with the doctor.
  • Once Helena gets back to Camilla's room, she goes to sleep in the jewelry box.
  • During the post-party days, all anyone can talk about is Camilla and Lord Peter—their budding romance is all the rage. And all Helena, Louise, and Beatrice can do is fight about who knows more fancy humans and who did cooler deeds on the night of the party.
  • The Cranston mice get a surprise when Lord Peter (the mouse one) sends flowers to Beatrice. And Louise can't stop talking about how she's going to move with Camilla when she gets married. All this attention on her sisters has Helena feeling pretty left out.
  • One night, Beatrice sneaks out. Louise and Helena wonder if she's off with Lord Peter.