Secrets at Sea Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Keep one eye on the sky, Lamont," Louise called after him. Because any number of things can swoop down in a mouse. Things with wings and talons. Beaks. Especially upon a mouse who does not think. "And remember who lives in the barn!"

"And in the haystack," I added. Louise and I exchanged glances. What lived in the haystack didn't bear thinking about.

"Water?" Beatrice said in a strangled voice. "Europe is across water?" (2.14-16)

There's tons of stuff for these mice to be scared of—sometimes we're left wondering what these mice aren't scared of in this book. They've got to watch out for birds, snakes, barns, haystacks, and water—and that's only in the first two chapters.

Quote #2

"Fall back, Lamont!"

But he wanted his tail, and we'd come for it. He squeaked a yearning little squeak. And my instinct took over. Something had to.

I cut and ran toward the haystack, pounding past my hapless brother. (3.49-51)

Helena and Lamont are pretty scared when they're searching for his missing tail, and they know that they might come across a snake in the haystack. But even with all their fear, both characters keep charging forward. Fear can't hold Helena and Lamont back.

Quote #3

"They are packing to go this minute. The labels for first class are on the trunks. They're away across the you-know-what to marry Olive off. And leaving us high and dry. What can I do? What's to become of us?" (5.39)

Helena is worried about crossing the Atlantic Ocean—she's so afraid that she can't even say the words aloud to Aunt Fannie.