Shooting the Moon Chapter 11 Summary

  • Over at Cindy's, Jamie watches her friend practice her ballet.
  • Cindy gets annoyed when Jamie isn't looking at her; she can tell her friend is preoccupied with something.
  • Before long, Cindy declares she's really upset: Mark won't be home for Christmas, and that makes Cindy sad.
  • Jamie knows how she feels—TJ will be in Vietnam over the holidays, too.
  • It turns out Cindy was born on a military base in Germany, just like Jamie.
  • Some kids at school called Cindy a Nazi when they found out, which really bugged her—she's as American as apple pie, thank you very much. Jamie tells her not to worry about what those jerks said.
  • Cindy runs off and grabs Brutus, which she wants to give Jamie as a present.
  • Jamie gave Cindy a present already (the moon pictures) and Cindy wants to give her something in return. Aw.
  • Suddenly, Cindy blurts out that her mom never stops crying—she's going to kill herself if Mark dies at war.
  • Here's the kicker: Cindy's not even supposed to know. She was eavesdropping and overheard her mom say that to her dad.
  • She's decided she wants to become president so she can bring Mark and TJ home from the war. Oh, if only it was that simple…
  • It dawns on Jamie that she's not as gung-ho about the war as she was when TJ enlisted. She feels like she's losing herself a little bit.