Shooting the Moon Chapter 16 Summary

  • Jamie figures that the last roll of film TJ sent might have some clues in it as to where he is.
  • She develops the film but all she finds are shots of the moon.
  • Come on, TJ… Why didn't you leave more clues for her?
  • Jamie blows a bunch of the pictures up really big so she can see all of the details in the moon. Still, though, there aren't any clues.
  • Jamie takes the photos over to Cindy's house.
  • When she gets there, Cindy tells Jamie that her birthday party is cancelled since TJ is missing.
  • Jamie wouldn't mind if Cindy still had it, but she appreciates the gesture.
  • After a while, Jamie heads home.
  • There, she finds Hollister waiting for her. Byrd told him about TJ so he wanted to stop by and check on Jamie.
  • She's not sure how she's doing, but she's glad he came to find out.
  • Hollister, Jamie, and her mom play a game of cards. It's good to take their minds off of what's going on with TJ.
  • Just then, her dad gets home and Hollister stands to attention.
  • Jamie introduces them, and Hollister seems more official somehow.
  • Her mom heads to the kitchen to put on a casserole, while her dad takes over her hand at cards.
  • Hollister thanks the Colonel for not signing his deployment papers. It would have been too rough on his mom if he left.
  • The Colonel lets Hollister in on a secret: He did it because his daughter asked him to. Turns out the old man has a soft side after all.
  • They play cards and chat.
  • Jamie tells us that later on, they learn that TJ was captured and taken as a POW (read: prisoner of war).
  • While he's gone, she takes a picture of the moon every night. She's not sure why at first, but when he finally comes home, she knows it was worth it: She captured all the moons he missed while he was away.