Shooting the Moon Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. What is Jamie's attitude toward war at the beginning of the novel? Does it change throughout the story?
  2. How does gender play a role in what Jamie can and can't do? What do people expect from her, because she's a girl?
  3. Why is TJ so fascinated with the moon? What does it represent in the novel?
  4. Think about the way the story is told through a series of flashbacks. How might it be different if it was told chronologically?
  5. Hollister asks the Colonel for special treatment because his brother died in Vietnam. Do you think this is a fair request? Do you agree with how the Colonel responds to it?
  6. Why is photography important to TJ and Jamie? Why doesn't the Colonel like it? Do you think he's right that it's not the same as living your life?
  7. What is Jamie's relationship with TJ like? How does it change once he enlists in the army? How has the army impacted all of Jamie's relationships?
  8. Do you agree with how long the Vietnam War lasted? The Colonel says the U.S. got into it for the right reasons, but needs to get out—stat. Do you agree? Why or why not?