Shooting the Moon Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"College is the coward's way out, sir. How can I go to college when guys I played football with are fighting in Vietnam? Eddie McNeil's missing in action." (2.25)

It turns out that part of the reason TJ enlisted is to prove himself—he wants to show that he's not running away to college out of fear. That's a tough motivator. No one thinks TJ is weak, but he's so bent out of shape proving that he's not that he signs up for a war instead. We're not saying that's the soundest logic we've ever heard, but it sure does show us how much fear can motivate people.

Quote #2

In the weeks before TJ left to join the Army, things around our house got loud and very quiet at the same time. (8.1)

Suddenly everyone is afraid. TJ is thinking more about fighting a war; the Colonel knows what his son is in for over there and doesn't think the guy's ready; Jamie's mom is scared her boy won't come home; and Jamie worries that she'll never get the chance to fight. All of them have fear in one way or another.

Quote #3

"Are you scared something might happen to him?" This was the one explanation I'd been able to come up with on my own. Sure, the Colonel was a big, tough guy, but even big, tough guys don't want their sons to get killed. (8.26)

There are two levels of fear here. First there's the fear that the Colonel has that something bad will happen to TJ; then there's Jamie's fear that her dad might not be as tough and pro-army as she once thought. Both are understandable, and both turn out to be true in the end.