Shooting the Moon Chapter 3 Summary

  • Who's up for a game of gin rummy? Private Hollister and Jamie keep playing cards, and it's a close match.
  • Jamie lets us in on a secret: If one of them had been way better than the other, it wouldn't have been any fun. Since they are so closely matched, though, it's exciting to play together.
  • Hollister learned how to play so well by ditching school. He didn't like hitting the books much, so he'd fake a cold (cough, cough) and play cards with his mom instead.
  • We're pretty sure his mom was onto him, but she didn't mind—Hollister is her favorite kid, after all. Parents might claim they don't have faves, but we know the truth.
  • As for Jamie's family, TJ is the favorite. She knows her dad loves her, but it's just different between the Colonel and TJ.
  • Hollister points out that there's a special bond between fathers and sons.
  • Hmm… Jamie doesn't like that. She loves football and the army, so why shouldn't it be the same for girls and boys? (Preach, sister.)
  • They decide to keep track of their scores—this way they'll know who the winner is at the end of the summer.
  • Jamie's mom doesn't like her hanging around the rec center very much. People are drinking and cussing, and it doesn't seem like the best place for a young girl.
  • The Colonel, on the other hand, doesn't mind it. He thinks Jamie can learn pool just like a guy can.
  • That settles it: Jamie keeps hanging out at the rec center and playing cards.
  • One day, Hollister asks Jamie if she's interested in learning how to develop film.
  • Um, not really—TJ is the photographer in her family, Jamie thinks.
  • Hollister knows a bunch of guys come in with film to be developed and she could help them out, but Jamie just isn't interested.
  • This all changes when she gets TJ's first package from Vietnam.