Shooting the Moon Narrator:

Who is the narrator, can she or he read minds, and, more importantly, can we trust her or him?

First Person (Central)—Omniscient

We know what you're thinking. A first person (a.k.a. using "I") narrator of a teen book? How original, right? Sigh. Even though that is pretty standard for YA novels, Jamie is definitely different than your average narrator. Did you notice how Jamie is constantly talking about what happens in the future?

For example, she tells us: "We didn't know it yet, but this would become our game for the summer. Once we got started playing gin, it never occurred to us to play anything else" (3.2). Um, okay. It's like she knows the future. Jamie tells us the story like it's already happened instead of living it alongside us while she tells it. Instead, she's looking back, explaining what happened.

The benefit of this model is that we get to learn stuff the characters just wouldn't know at the time. Now we're the ones seeing the future.