Skin Hunger: A Resurrection of Magic Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Sadima?" Franklin said, pity in his voice. She looked back and found him staring at her. "I never understood how lonely you were when I first met you." (29.59)

And here's the downside to Sadima latching onto Franklin in her loneliness. Like her, he has some magical abilities, specifically the ability to read thoughts (even if he's mostly getting hazy images and impressions at this point). He feels her loneliness and remarks on it, but she actually feels like her privacy was violated. That's a tough one to get around.

Quote #8

She would help him finish copying the book, then she was going to leave, make her way back to Ferne… She would think of Franklin often, with sadness and love. Thanks to him, she knew that there were other people in the world like her. That was enough. (45.9)

After living in Limòri for a while, Sadima decides that she can deal with the isolation that comes with being different. Just knowing that there are others like her is enough to make her not feel like a freak.

Quote #9

I kept thinking about Will. There was no one in his room to encourage him, or even break the silence now and then. He was in there, alone, without classes to go to for three days, only silence and his own thoughts. (64.5)

Hahp feels bad for Will, one of the boys at the academy who now has a room to himself thanks to the wizards' starvation policy. If it stinks to be lonely even under good circumstances, how bad must it be under crummy circumstances? It's like, okay, we're going to starve you and deprive you of sleep and sunlight… now you're also stuck in solitary confinement. Ugh.