Skin Hunger: A Resurrection of Magic Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

And something dawned on me. I had made foods I had known all my life. I had made soap I had used all my life. He was still making the same bowl of fish stew and I knew why. When he was little, had he ever used soap? (54.19)

By this point in the story Hahp finally realizes how much of a privileged background he comes from, and how much this influences his ability to create things using magic (since he needs to be able to imagine something in complete detail in order to make it manifest, something that a kid coming from a lower-class background would have trouble doing). Maybe Hahp and Gerrard have little in common except that they're stuck at this awful academy, but then they begin to work together, crossing class lines and breaking the wizards' rules. Good for them.