Stolen Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Section Break.Paragraph)

Quote #4

My breath faltered for a second then. I don't know why, but I'd half expected you to be someone else. I didn't want the person standing there, beside the bed, to have the same face I'd found so attractive at the airport. But you were there all right: the blue eyes, blondish hair, and tiny scar. Only you didn't look beautiful this time. Just evil. (3.9)

All that changes, though, when they get to Australia. Ty transforms before her eyes. She realizes that he's not the hot guy who bought her coffee anymore but someone more powerful and dangerous.

Quote #5

I stopped and changed directions, but you were like a cowboy with his rope, circling me, stopping me everywhere I wanted to go. You were drawing me in, running me down. You knew it was only a matter of time before I couldn't run any farther. Like a crazed cow, I kept going anyway, running away from you in decreasing circles. I had to stop eventually. (4.20)

Part of the power Ty has over Gemma is that he knows the land—and also knows that Gemma doesn't have the skills to survive there on her own. He does have the skills, though, and knows that even if she gets away, she'll have to come back in order to live. As the single source of meeting her needs, Ty is her only option.

Quote #6

Nothing worked. Everything came back to you. You lying there. You dreaming. You thinking about me. I pictured you on that mess of blankets, eyes wide-open and imagining how you'd kill me. Perhaps you had touched yourself and pretended it was me doing it. Or perhaps you had your eye pressed up close to a crack in the wall, watching me waiting for you. Perhaps it gave you a kick. (9.4)

Gemma may try to think about home as a way to escape from reality, but Ty even has power over her thoughts, making her wonder if he's plotting to kill her, fantasizing about her, or fantasizing about killing her.