Stolen Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Section Break.Paragraph)

Quote #7

You were the strongest man I'd ever seen. If you decided to, you could kill me so easily. Just a little push from your hands and I'd be strangled; just a little punch and my brain would explode. There'd be nothing I could do. One blunt knife under a mattress was no match against you. (33.4)

Gemma has no way to fight back against Ty's brute strength, and the physical power of his body only makes him more terrifying and her situation more hopeless.

Quote #8

There was a snake. You were stretching toward it, trying to get a grip, then leaping backward when it went for you […] You darted toward the snake, confusing it, and grabbed underneath its head. The snake writhed, tried to turn its pink, wide mouth toward you. But your grip was firm. (65.11-12)

We all know that a snake eventually brings down Ty's whole plan, but in the meantime, he has power over this dangerous animal. He knows it has the ability to hurt him, and yet he seems relatively unconcerned, exercising his strength over it.

Quote #9

There were so many thoughts in my head right then, so many emotions. Your hand was close and tight around my elbow, guiding me straight. Some small part of me almost liked it there. I blinked, shaking my head, not wanting to admit it. A part of me was starting to accept you. I wondered, if I gave in to that part, if I leaned into you in return, where would it lead? (77.8)

The obvious interpretation here is that Gemma is thinking about whether giving in to Ty would lead to a sexual relationship, but we think it might go beyond that. Gemma is probably concerned about whether accepting Ty would give him total control over her and make her lose her will to stop fighting.