Sunrise Over Fallujah Chapter 10 Summary

  • Jonesy and Harris get into an argument because Harris says women are like whores. Classy. They almost punch each other but the other guys stop them.
  • The squad gets a new assignment from Intelligence. A man named Lieutenant Davis explains the mission. They have a tip that IED's are being made in one building, so their orders are to search it.
  • The squad has to break down the door to get inside. Inside the building live two men, two women, and several small children.
  • It just looks like a normal house. The soldiers question the adults, who claim to be just living their lives.
  • When no one finds anything, Davis apologizes and promises to pay the family back for the damage to their door.
  • Then Marla finds detonators in the flour.
  • They arrest the adults and leave.
  • Birdy thinks that he won't survive the war, because all the soldiers, like Marla, are naturally better at war than him. He hadn't found any detonators when he searched.