Sunrise Over Fallujah Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Tell her Sergeant Harris will take a shift by himself," Kennedy said. "They won't need the rest of us."

"Yo, woman, you got a lot of mouth for a chick!" Harris said.

"Glad you noticed it, Sergeant." (1.27-29)

Gotta love Marla in this exchange. Not only does she call out Harris, she tells him to take notice of her attitude, so he won't mess with her again.

Quote #2

Jean Darcy came by carrying a plastic tray with her breakfast on it. I saw scrambled eggs, sausages, and potatoes.

"You like people?" she asked, looking up at me.

"Yeah, I guess," I said.


Strange chicks joined the army, I thought. Strange and strong. (4.15-19)

We won't lie here. We have no idea why Darcy gets so mad in this exchange. But check out the opinion Birdy draws from it. Way to take one woman's behavior and apply it to all women in the army.

Quote #3

Captain Miller started squirming in her seat about halfway through the talk. Her head rolled back when the colonel turned to Major Sessions and asked if we had any females to send to the village. (6.37)

Miller is always being sent to villages to talk to women—often women who have lost children in an American bombing. Not exactly a fun job. And it's a little unfair that Miller keeps getting stuck doing the apologizing just because she's female.