Sunrise Over Fallujah Chapter 3 Summary

  • A lot of the soldiers are excited about going into combat. They keep getting speeches that remind them how well-trained they are, but Robin and Jonesy aren't sure about their training.
  • Robin's training involved shooting at targets that didn't shoot back, and Jonesy says his training comes from dodging drive-by shootings in the ghetto.
  • One night, Jonesy shakes Robin awake to pray with him.
  • The soldiers are confused by their orders. It's not clear who they're supposed to shoot.
  • They were given Rules of Engagement, which are confusing, and they know if the Shiites, Kurds, and Sunnis will be fighting each other.
  • The bombing of Iraq starts. The soldiers watch it on TV with (mostly) quiet worry.
  • Robin's squad tests their weapons. Robin can shoot targets while stationary but is off-base while on a moving Humvee. Luckily, Marla is good at both.
  • They also receive their protective gear, which they're told can make the difference between life and death.
  • Some Specialists ask Robin and Jonesy if they'd like to join a prayer group. Jonesy says no, that he only believes in the blues.
  • When Robin points out that Jonesy had woken him up to pray the other day, Jonesy says that was his testicles talking.
  • After lunch, they wait for fuel and talk to women from another unit. They talk about one of their Rules of Engagement—that sometimes locals shoot into the air in a non-threatening way and they shouldn't shoot back.
  • They travel to Iraq all night and into the morning, hearing gunshots. As they reach the border, they see body bags for the first time.