Sunrise Over Fallujah Chapter 2 Summary

  • The flex team (which Robin is on), is sorted into Humvee squads. Robin's in the first squad, with Jonesy driving, Marla Kennedy on squad gun, Robin, and Captain Coles.
  • The soldiers talk a lot about whether or not Saddam will back down. Many of the men seem eager to go to war, but Robin's just nervous.
  • The soldiers mostly sit around for three days. They watch a movie about the Kurds being gassed (on Saddam's orders).
  • They're given a lecture about how they'll be the faces the Iraqis remember when they think of the U.S.
  • One morning, they find out the Hoodlums, a.k.a. Special Operations, left the night before. Captain Coles says it looks like the war will be happening.
  • The groups get their Humvees. Robin says they should name theirs Miss Molly, a nickname for Marla, since Marla won't stop calling him Birdy. She agrees.
  • The chapter ends with an email from Robin to his uncle. He tells Richie about the reporters asking them questions, and all the rules about what they aren't supposed to say or write over email.
  • He says it's no problem since they don't know anything. He says he wrote a letter to his dad, and he asks his uncle to tell his father to write him back.