Sunrise Over Fallujah Chapter 4 Summary

  • The squad's orders are to follow the Marines, secure their position, and establish lines of communication.
  • Marla tries to set up a TV to "get the scores" (4.4), but they mostly see Marines being interviewed and explosions.
  • Then a sandstorm starts. The soldiers have to take cover for the whole two days it lasts.
  • When it ends, they clean up their equipment and the captains get a TV going. They find out that the crew that left before them suffered casualties, and three women were captured. One of them was a woman they'd spoken to a few days before.
  • They head toward the place where the women were captured: An Nasiriyah. Their orders are to try and get information about what might've happened to the women.
  • As they roll into town, they see smoke coming from a building. It smells terrible.
  • During their house-to-house search, someone finds an RGB launcher. Robin's unit walks into a room with an old woman, old man, young girl, and boy around his age.
  • They smell the launcher and realize it's been fired recently. At the sergeant's orders, they point a gun at the boy. They're told to shoot him if he moves.
  • Through a translator, the woman tells them he's her grandson and that he's good. She begs Marla to take pity on her, as a fellow woman.
  • They take the boy outside.
  • A sniper shoots at their heads. The boy takes the distraction as an opportunity to run, so they shoot him.
  • Robin watches the grandmother coming out of the house to see her grandson dead, and he tears up.