Sunrise Over Fallujah Chapter 11 Summary

  • A rumor goes around that Major Sessions got passed up for a promotion. Birdy expects Marla to mind, since they're both women, but Marla doesn't because Sessions is always behind a desk handing out orders instead of doing on-the-ground work.
  • Sessions orders the squad to find a woman's son because he's from a tribe they're hoping to influence.
  • With Sessions with them, they visit a morgue. Sessions is rude to the staff and then throws up when they're in the room with the bodies.
  • Session returns to the Green Zone, or safe area, and the rest of the group decides it's pointless to go to morgues when they don't know what the boy looks like. Instead, they ask around at hospitals and see terrible wounds in the process.
  • They visit a scary-looking prison next. The prisoners are a mix of prisoners of war, looters, and people who've been out after curfew.
  • Jamil, a native Iraqi they're using as their translator, questions five of them and finds the boy.
  • Sessions holds a press conference and Marla gets interviewed. The reporters make her out to be a hero.
  • Sessions doesn't want to come with them to take the boy back, but she misses the good part—reuniting the boy with his mother.
  • The squad is glad to make people happy for a change.
  • Birdy's email to his uncle ends the chapter. He asks Richie to ask his mom to send toy dolls for the kids, and says that a guy killed himself that day. The soldiers are getting spooked by the random bombings and how the Rules of Engagement keep changing.