Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing Education Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

In January our class started a project on The City. Mrs. Haver, our teacher, divided us up into committees by where we live. That way we could work at home. My committee was me, Jimmy Fargo, and Sheila. (7.1)

Peter's in elementary school, which means that he gets to participate in one of the great frustrations of school life—working on the dreaded "group project." Even worse, the kids don't get to pick who's in their group.

Quote #2

In a few weeks each committee had to hand in a booklet, a poster, and be ready to give an oral report. (7.1)

This is one serious project.

Quote #3

The first day we got together after school we bought a yellow posterboard. Jimmy wanted a blue one but Sheila talked him out of it. "Yellow is a much brighter color," she explained.

Everything will show up on it. Blue is too dull." (7.2)

It's no wonder that the boys don't want to work with Sheila. She has an opinion about absolutely everything, which makes it hard for them to have a say in their "group" project. It's more like Sheila's project, with Jimmy and Peter assisting.