Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"I can use another one," I explained. "I really can. That old one is falling apart." I tried to laugh.

"It's returnable," Mrs. Yarby said. "It's silly to keep it if you already have one." She sounded insulted. Like it was my fault she brought me something I already had. (2.70-71)

Instead of being gracious about having brought Peter something that he already had, Mrs. Yarby seems to blame the situation on him. Peter's really acting more grownup than she is in this case, don't you think?

Quote #2

"HATCHER." Mr. Yarby boomed. "Make him get that thing out of here."

I wondered why Mr. Yarby called my father "Hatcher." Didn't he know his first name was Warren? And I didn't like the way Mr. and Mrs. Yarby both called Dribble a "thing." (2.81-82)

Peter finds this totally rude. It's not Mr. Hatcher's fault that Fudge brought out the turtle. The Yarbys don't have kids, so they think that it's possible to totally control a two-year-old. Fudge probably thought, who wouldn't want to see a turtle?

Quote #3

When Mr. Yarby went into Fudge's bedroom to pick up his suitcase, his voice boomed. "HATCHER."

My father ran toward the bedroom… When we got there we saw Fudge sitting on the Yarbys' suitcase. He had decorated it with about one hundred green stamps. (2.105-106)

Mr. Hatcher has to take the blame for all of Fudge's transgressions during Mr. and Mrs. Yarby's visit. Mr. Yarby seems intent on making him pay for every little kid prank.