Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing Injustice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"And I'm not going to take care of him either," my mother added.

"Of course you're not," I told her. "He's my turtle. And I'm the one who's going to take care of him." (1.10-11)

Instead of being happy for Peter when he wins the turtle at Jimmy Fargo's party, Mrs. Hatcher immediately gets stressed out. It's not Peter's fault that she's got so much going on. He's kind of offended that she acts like he won't be a good pet owner. On the other hand, is it fair of Peter to bring home a pet without asking his parents?

Quote #2

But sure enough, when I checked, I saw two stems with nothing on them.

"Don't look at me, Mom," I said. What would I do with two measly flowers?" (2.16-17)

Why does Mrs. Hatcher always ask Peter when things go wrong? It's not like he's the troublemaker in the household. She should totally interrogate Fudge before even considering Peter. Foreshadowing alert: Notice how Fudge eating the flowers is a hint of something much worse that will happen later in the book.

Quote #3

I thought Mr. Yarby had a lot of nerve to hint that we had no manners. Didn't I pretend to like their dumb old picture dictionary? If that isn't good manners, then I don't know what is. (2.88)

Mr. Yarby is saying that the Hatcher kids have no manners, but he's the one acting like a creep. Peter can't help but judge him for his hypocrisy.