Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing Jealousy Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

All the other guys looked at their goldfish. I knew what they were thinking. They wished they could have tiny green turtles too. (1.2)

Peter likes it that the other kids are jealous; it makes him feel important. Most kids like to be the envy of their friends over something.

Quote #2

Mrs. Yarby just gave me a nod. She was still busy with Fudge. "I have a surprise for this dear little boy," she said. "It's in my suitcase. Should I go get it?"

"Yes," Fudge shouted. "Go get… go get." (2.47-48)

Even their houseguests pay more attention to Fudge than they do to Peter. It's baffling to him; what's so great about that kid, anyway? Why does everyone make such a big fuss over him? It's hard having a cute little sibling when you're past your own cuteness peak.

Quote #3

I said, "That's a nice train."

Mrs. Yarby turned to me. "Oh, I have something for you too uh… uh…"

"Peter," I reminded her. "My name is Peter." (2.53-55)

To add insult to injury, Mrs. Yarby doesn't even remember Peter's name. He can't help but feel miffed that she's so attentive with Fudge and then completely overlooks him, even though he's been more polite and welcoming. Unfortunately, this is a pretty common experience for anyone who has an adorable little brother or sister. You know who you are.