Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing.

Family Quotes

Some people might think that my mother is my biggest problem. She doesn't like turtles and she's always telling me to scrub my hands. (1.17)

Friendship Quotes

I'm allowed to walk over by myself as long as I'm going to be with friends. My mother doesn't want me hanging around the park alone. For one thing, Jimmy Fargo has been mugged three times—twice f...

Jealousy Quotes

All the other guys looked at their goldfish. I knew what they were thinking. They wished they could have tiny green turtles too. (1.2)

Guilt and Blame Quotes

"I can use another one," I explained. "I really can. That old one is falling apart." I tried to laugh."It's returnable," Mrs. Yarby said. "It's silly to keep it if you already have one." She sounde...

Youth Quotes

My mother moved Fudge's crib into my room. He's going to get a regular bed when he's three, my mother says. (2.4)

Injustice Quotes

"And I'm not going to take care of him either," my mother added. "Of course you're not," I told her. "He's my turtle. And I'm the one who's going to take care of him." (1.10-11)

Education Quotes

In January our class started a project on The City. Mrs. Haver, our teacher, divided us up into committees by where we live. That way we could work at home. My committee was me, Jimmy Fargo, and Sh...

The Home Quotes

I live at 25 West 68th Street. It's an old apartment building. But it's got one of the best elevators in New York City. There are mirrors all around. You can see yourself from every angle. There's...

Love Quotes

I went into my bedroom. I put Dribble on top of my dresser. I tried to pet him and tell him he would be happy living with me. But it isn't easy to pet a turtle. They aren't soft and furry and they...