Tender is the Night Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

– the name of the ubiquitously renowned Baby Warren had occurred and it was remarked that Baby’s younger sister had thrown herself away on a dissipated doctor. "He’s not received anywhere any more," the woman said (3.7.69).

Well there’s a reversal for you. Rosemary is thinking of gossip she’s heard. Dick has lost all appearance of respectability now and Nicole has gained a favorable appearance.

Quote #8

Evil-eyed, Nicole stood apart, denying the children, resenting them as part of a downright world she sought to make amorphous (2.16.57).

How must Nicole appear to her children here? Also, here at the fair, Nicole publicly exhibits her madness. She hasn’t done this since before she was committed when she was 16. Is her appearance here a mask or an accurate reflection of her at that moment?

Quote #9

"That’s too bad – I’m very sorry. But you see our children mustn’t be bathed in his water. That’s out of the question – I’m sure your mistress would be furious if she had known you had done a thing like that" (2.5.53).

Yep. This is the scene where Dick and Nicole mistake a super rich guy’s sister for a maid. It’s an honest mistake, if you judge by appearances. She looks like a maid and Mary knows this. That’s why she explained it to Dick so carefully. He is relying too heavily on appearances now and is failing to see who people really are.