Drugs and Alcohol Quotes in The Art of Fielding

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Pella wanted to go to Bartleby's and scotch herself into a stupor. (35.1)

This is one reaction to dealing with a problem. Or in this case, not dealing. By avoiding their problems and turning to drugs or alcohol, the characters only make things worse.

Quote #8

Shortly after dawn, eight Schlitzes in, Schwartz walked to the VAC under low-slung clouds, not feeling drunk or sober. (36.1)

By this point, we don't think a single character has been sober in about three chapters. Even Henry is going to start drinking like a fish soon.

Quote #9

"Moderation means small, non-habit-forming amounts. That's not you. You've got a problem with these narcotics. Period. You're going through withdrawal, and the sooner you ride that out the better." (61.40)

Once the doctor puts the kibosh on Mike's pill-popping problem… he stops. Once, later on, Owen gives him some leftover pills, but that seems to be it. Is Mike "cured"? Did he even have a problem to begin with if it's that easy to kick? If not, why bring it up at all?