Literature and Writing Quotes in The Art of Fielding

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Pella could cruise through James or Austen or Pynchon at seventy pages an hour and remember everything, like she'd been born to the task. (34.107)

Pella's magic speed-reading ability must be genetic. She didn't learn it in college, because she dropped out of high school.

Quote #8

And they smooched awhile and read aloud a bit from Lear, and Owen left. (38.26)

After learning how intimate Guert finds reading aloud, it's not surprising to discover that he and Owen squeeze a little bit of reading time into their afternoon delight ritual.

Quote #9

A copy of the new Murakami novel, its cover an opulent yellow, poked out of her jacket pocket, bought at the campus bookstore to commemorate her first-ever paycheck. (47.2)

Earlier, Pella stressed about leaving her underpants at Mike's apartment and dreamed of buying more with her first paycheck. (Were they her only pair?) But while we never see her buy more undies, she does buy a book. The moral: go commando, read instead.