Literature and Writing Quotes in The Art of Fielding

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Was I reading?"

Affenlight nodded. "I warned you. It's a dangerous pastime." (15.16-15.17)

We're not sure when Affenlight warned Owen that reading was a "dangerous pastime" or what the context was, but here it's a joke about how Owen's divided attention ended up getting him injured.

Quote #5

"You're talking to a man who's writing a two-hundred-page paper about Marcus Aurelius." (18.64)

We're not sure when Mike finds the time to do all this with all the baseball training, but it seems that he's able to fit his  academic writing into his schedule somehow.

Quote #6

But Whitman! What was he thinking? Reading aloud was already borderline intimate, one voice, two pairs of ears, well-shaped words—you didn't need to press your luck. (22.9)

For Guert, reading aloud to Owen is a big step in their budding relationship, and he's not excited about sharing this intimacy in front of Owen's mother. He wouldn't kiss her son in front of her, and he doesn't want to read to him either.