The Art of Fielding True or False

1. Who is being talked about in this quote from chapter 2: "They talk on the phone all day long, like lovebirds"? -> Mike and Pella
2. Who is being talked about in this quote: "He's not big enough to be the best, he's not fast enough to be the best, he doesn't have the body or the raw numbers to be the best. He just is"? -> Henry
3. Who asks Guert Affenlight, "You're not intending to sleep with my mother, are you?" -> Dakota Johnson
4. Who gives this romantic, if grammatically infuriating, speech: "If I were you I'd ask me out to dinner. I'd put on a nice shirt that matched my eyes and I'd pick me up in my silver Audi and teach me about opera while I drove me out through the dark countryside to some Friday-night fish fry in some little town in the middle of nowhere"? -> Pella
5. Who tells Henry, "Whatever happens with your head, it doesn't matter. Whatever's best for the team is best for you"? -> Mike
