The Future of Us Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Chapter, Paragraph

Quote #4

"I always imagined time travel would be so big and life-changing," she says. "Like A Wrinkle in Time or Back to the Future. But here, all most people care about are lame vacation photos and trivial things." (14.35)

What a bummer: Emma is totally disappointed by what the future looks like. Guess it's not exactly as she'd hoped and dreamed…

Quote #5

Kellan links arms with me and squeals. "This is our first step on the way to med school!"

"We're going to med school now?"

"We can even live together. And do our residency at the same hospital!" (17.22-24)

Putting the distant future aside for a minute, here Emma and Kellan are talking about the next big step in their lives: college. This is a really normal dream for a high school student. Also normal? Kellan's dream involves the two friends going to school together.

Quote #6

As I hold the phone against my ear, I actually feel sad. In the future, Jordan and I were supposed to meet at college and get married. Now, we'll probably never even know each other. (25.54)

Emma takes action to change her fate because she gets the feeling that her future with Jordan is not ideal. But it's a bit sad when she says goodbye to the guy she was supposed to marry. Who knows how she would have felt about Jordan if she had met him under ordinary circumstances? She nips this prospect in the bud.