The Future of Us Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Chapter, Paragraph

Quote #7

When I get back to my room, I snuggle deep under my covers and think about Kevin Storm. His name is perfect. I wonder if we name our daughter Olivia. I've always loved that name, and Olivia Storm sounds like she'll grow to be a confident woman. (29.9)

Slow down, Emma—here we're finding out that she's kind of quick to form opinions about things that she really doesn't know anything about. After getting rid of her first husband, she immediately assumes that the next guy's a lot better and starts daydreaming about naming their kid.

Quote #8

I wish I could muster her level of enthusiasm. Yes, I'm relieved it's over with Graham. And I'm excited about Cody. But Josh's attitude at lunch bothered me. It's like the discovery of his future is changing him now. (36.7)

First of all, neither Emma nor Josh knew that it would become a dream (or a reality) of Josh's to marry Sydney Mills. It sure isn't on his mind in 1996. But when he finds out that someday he will marry her, it puts the idea into his head—and it starts changing who he is, motivating him to want different things. His dream starts influencing his reality, if you will.

Quote #9

With her sunglasses on and her hair spilling around her shoulders, Sydney looks content with whatever life tosses her way. It's the exact opposite of how I feel. I know that someday she and I will own a house out here and go on fancy vacations. But something amazing must happen between now and then because, at this moment, we don't feel right for each other. (47.48)

Josh is trying to make a dream happen that was supposed to happen all by itself. And when he tries to force it, he finds that he can't force what he wants here and now—so maybe this dream will have to stay just that: not reality.