Education Quotes in The Help

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

All my life I'd been told what to believe about politics, coloreds, being a girl. But with Constantine's thumb pressed in my hand, I realized I actually had a choice about what to believe. (5.84)

The lessons about love, kindness, and self-worth that Skeeter learns from Constantine give her the courage to challenge the injustices she sees in her community. We imagine that Mae Mobley would voice similar feelings about Aibileen when she gets older.

Quote #5

"You a smart girl. You a kind girl, Mae Mobley. You hear me?" And I keep saying it till she repeat it back to me. (7.27)

By teaching Mae Mobley to love herself, Aibileen also teaches her that love doesn't know skin color.

Quote #6

She tells me that I once said colored people attend too much church. I cringe, wondering what else I've said, never suspecting the help was listening or cared. (12.16)

Skeeter's journey is a journey to un-learn many of the things she's been taught.