Race Quotes in The Help

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"You know colored folks ain't allowed in that library." (11.21)

Before the novel ends, the library in question will open its doors to black people. Finally, a bit of progress.

Quote #5

"These is white rules. I don't know which ones you following and which ones you ain't. (11.81)
We look at each other for a second. "I'm tired of rules," I say. (12.82)

In Aibileen and Skeeter's early interviews, Aibileen is terrified of saying the wrong thing. In her experience, the friendliest white person can snap and change in a moment's notice if the wrong rule is broken.

Quote #6

Hilly raises her voice about three octaves when talking to black people. Elizabeth smiles like she's talking to a child, although certainly not her own. I'm starting to notice things. (12.57)

Hilly and Elizabeth's belief that black people are of lesser intelligence is apparent in their manner of speaking. Skeeter only notices it once she begins hearing the maids' stories.