The Magic Barrel Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #7

He did not love God so well as he might, because he had not loved man. (114)

Here comes the second half of the epiphany. If God is in man, then loving other people means loving God too. You'd better get to it, Leo.

Quote #8

He seriously considered leaving the Yeshiva, although he was deeply troubled at the thought of the loss of all his years of study—saw them like pages torn from a book, strewn over the city—and at the devastating effect of this decision upon his parents. (115)

Even though Leo has had this big revelation, he still thinks of his studies in non-theological terms: the time lost and the effect on his parents rather than his relationship to God. In order to grow further, he's going to have to do some more changing, which means probably going through more pain, more navel gazing… and maybe a photo of a hot lady to set him on the right path.

Quote #9

He then concluded to convert her to goodness, himself to God. (189)

Here, those earlier notions about loving people in order to love God come full circle. His relationship with Stella will be a reflection of his newfound devotion to God. Notice that he hasn't actually changed his way of thinking. He's just resolved to do better, which means he probably still has a lot of work to do.