Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes in The Scorpio Races

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Has [your wish] brought you happiness?" (30.18)

What do you think Sean's wish was? He never tells us, but he does say that he's been happy enough. We doubt he wished for a million dollars, or to be an astronaut.

Quote #8

"Why do you [stay]?"

"The sky and the sand and the sea and Corr." (33.35-33.36)

Sean's dreams might have been different if he had a family to take care of, like Puck does. But with his dad dead and his mother non-existent, he only has to worry about himself.

Quote #9

"No point seeking the grail if it looks like your teacup." (40.16)

Peg Gratton seems to think a woman's dream is to be pursued by a man. Wrong book, Peg. Puck's dream is to save her home and become independent. Sean is just a nice side dish, not the main course.