Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes in The Scorpio Races

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

A tiny, tiny part of me [...] must've been daydreaming of that possibility. Beating the horses that had killed my parents on a pony that I'd grown up on. (12.32)

Puck's main dream when it comes to the races is to earn enough money to save her house. But there's a small part of her that wants the glory that comes with it too, along a tiny bit of revenge as well.

Quote #5

"A roof over my head and reins in my hand and the sand beneath me." (22.45)

Is Sean's dream exclusive to Thisby? It seems like Sean could have this in America with George Holly, if Holly lived near a coast, that is.

Quote #6

"I'd never leave [Thisby.] It's—it's like my heart, or something." (23.73)

Some people, like Puck, view the place they grew up in as their heart. Others, like Gabe, can't wait for a heart transplant. Does Puck have a narrow view of the world, or is she simply able to focus on the positives?