Family Quotes in The Scorpio Races

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"The blood doesn't always come through," Malvern says. (35.10)

Yeesh. This is a cutting remark. Malvern might be talking about a horse, but the same could also be said about him and his son. He definitely doesn't feel that Mutt lives up to the Malvern name.

Quote #8

I want to keep my sweet, innocent brother the way he is. (37.23)

Puck is super protective of her brother. With his anxieties and nervous tics, we're not sure if that's a good idea or not. But we're not related, so we have a more distant perspective on the matter.

Quote #9

I imagine Dove taken from me in this way, and anger churns in my stomach. (42.38)

Dove is like a family member to Puck. We're not sure if Finn's car is also like a family member to him, since it's not alive and all. It's easier to accept animals than inanimate objects as family members because they blink, move, think, and breathe.