Gender Quotes in The Scorpio Races

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Fifty years ago, it was a man they killed up there, just like every year before. The man who will not ride." (32.29)

Okay, we have two things to say about this: (1) This explains why only men ride in the Scorpio Races. It's a decades-long tradition that has excluded women. (2) Maybe women should be glad, given that by being excluded from the race they're also excluded from the sacrifice.

Quote #8

Finney asks, "Where are your balls?" [...] "You're the one who said I have them, not me." (36.29, 36.31)

Sometimes gender bias make no sense whatsoever. The men don't want a female on the beach, so they insult her by calling her masculine? Does not compute.

Quote #9

I'm simultaneously terrified and humiliated as I hear myself. It's the voice of a scared little girl. (36.35)

Despite not wanting to be called masculine, Puck doesn't want to appear especially feminine either. The last thing she wants is to be perceived as a scared girl. There's no room for fear in the Scorpio Races.